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Cultural Artworks

Global Context: Personal and cultural expression


What did you create? 

I created two primarily digital multimedia artworks that communicated the cultures of two different places I have lived and my personal experience in each place. 

Why did you create this?

I created this because I enjoy creating visual art and was interested in improving my digital art skills and developing my own art style. 

What were the biggest challenges you faced? 

Managing my time to complete my product on time while balancing it with schoolwork, especially because of how time consuming creating my product was. 

What advice would you give to next year’s PP students?

Choose a topic that you are interested in and a product that you will enjoy making even if it is a challenge. You will be working on the same project for most of the year so making it enjoyable and interesting to you will make it feel more worthwhile and less like work. Also, make an action plan early on and try your best to keep up with it.


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