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Full cover of Wildfire

Global Context: Personal and cultural expression


What did you create?

When I started this project I wanted to create a product revolving around either music or marine biology. I convinced myself to do a music project which would turn out to be a full cover of the song Wildfire by John Mayer.

Why did you create this? 

I realized that this would be the perfect opportunity for me to learn something that I’m not familiar with and would be extremely beneficial and important if I wanted to study music and work with music in the future. These skills include playing, recording and mixing music to bring the piece of music to its full potential.

What were the biggest challenges you faced? 

The biggest challenge I faced occurred during the Winter break. I asked to loan an audio interface set from the music department at school. However, I had major technical difficulties when I tried to record at home which hindered my progress a lot.

What advice would you give to next year’s PP students?)

The biggest piece of advice would definitely be to make an extremely strict plan and always stick to that plan whatsoever. Any procrastination could lead to extreme stress and anxiety as that deadline approaches quickly.


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