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Gaining sailing certification


When I take a moment of reflection. I remember back to a poster from Mr. Mckenny’s classroom in 8th grade. The poster showed the expectations of what success looks like then compares it to what it truly looks like. The truth is a success is a wonky and unknown line, I learned that throughout this project. I was focusing too much on the end product being the success, rather than the true product being it was the journey. The achievement of receiving the level 3 certification is nothing compared to the remarkable relationships I have been able to form with sailors here in Hong Kong. The connections that sailing has guided me towards working as an assistant instructor teaching the Hong Kong community and the future it has opened up for me. I have been gifted the opportunity to go out and experience racing on big 40 ft boats as well, being able to learn a lot from more experienced sailors. This last year I have truly become so emersed in the Hong Kong sailing community, I am immensely thankful for that. Sailing has given me so much, endless doors of opportunities and lifelong connections for my future.


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