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3D sketch art and printing of sustainable buildings


I will be focusing on designing a sustainable city model, which will be

inspired by Zaha Hadid and her style of design. My learning goal is to have a better grip on structural design via computer softwares to communicate and deliver ideas better visually. I want the final product to be both accessible digitally and physically, so there will be tangible prototypes built.

Elements such as “minimalistic and futuristic” are driving forces. The model will be presented through physical forms (and a QR code will be provided for the model) – 3D printed, on a board, small landscape with features painted. I will be needing a park with a shelter, different community centres. For the ones that are tired, we could place a spa for relaxation. We will also need grocery stores that can be placed either outside or in the shopping malls. A flea market is needed so there can be fresh fruits, cultural items, etc. The sustainable features needed are trees, solar panels, reservoirs of water conservation, energy transfer etc. The materials for these buildings will be timber, bamboo, concrete, cement. and cork. I will also be designing a board for the model to sit on, signage to point out the sustainable features, and a box like a display glass to fit the model under.


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