Video montage highlighting streetwear (fashion)
Fashion has always been a big part of my life, where I’ve learnt most of it from my mother. She’s worked in the fashion industry for almost 25 years, and has been a huge influence on my sister and I. She has presented us with different styles our whole childhood where we were taught not to judge based on what was put in front of us. I always had an idea of what type of fashion I liked as a kid, and by the age of 10 I finally got the opportunity to really explore them on my own. I didn’t have a specific style I liked a bit more than the other, I just followed a process of seeing something I liked in a store and eventually adding it to my wardrobe. This helped me explore different styles and really find my true passion and identity through clothing, and without my mom’s heavy influence I could really branch out and express myself in a more personal way. Carrying out the process of just building on my wardrobe, also helped me appreciate different cultural clothing styles. I remember when my dad would come home from my home country Guinea, and bring back these beautiful dresses and shirts for my sister and I. I would almost be in awe of the designs created on the garments and it also made me feel closer to my home country that I have unfortunately never visited. I would feel such pride when wearing these items and it really made me appreciate clothing on another, deeper, more personal level.