The Chinese white dolphin population in Hong Kong
I have loved the ocean ever since I was young. I would always read books, watched documentaries, go to the aquarium, studying the ocean and the creatures that lived in the seas. I always loved helping animals and wanted to protect them. Even today I love the ocean and am always studying new things and am still fascinated with it. I have always wanted to help the ocean and the creatures that call this place home as it feels like a second home to me. I feel at peace in or near the ocean. When we had to choose a personal project I knew I wanted to do something related to the ocean. I wanted to learn about the Chinese River dolphins as I have always loved cetaceans (marine mammals) and thought that living in Hong Kong this species would be relevant and have a connection.
Since a young age as I mentioned above, I have always loved reading non-fiction/science books and had an interest in conservation. By me writing an expository paper I am improving my writing skills and developing the research tools that will help me now and later in life as I go through high school and then university. My goal relates to my personal interests: I have a passion for the ocean and the marine life that calls it home, I also care about conservation and scientific research explaining problems and ideas. Evidence to highlight my passion and interest in this area include; I helped collect data for a published research report on dolphins called; Cognitive enrichment device provides evidence for intersexual differences in collaborative actions in Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus). I have worked as an assistant researcher at Ocean Park studying behaviour and analysis data on multiple animals (Ginat Manta-Ray, Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus), Giant Panda, Spotted Seals (Phoca Largha)).