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A review of Dungeons and Dragons


My intended product is to do a thirteen-minute video explaining the core of the role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons. My target audience are people that have never played or heard of the game before and just want some information on what it’s all about and how it is played. After watching the game played, a person should be able to identify the objectives and determine whether they want to engage in play or not. So in defining my product I sought not to force the new prospective player to play but rather to impart interesting facts and opinions on what you need to know if you’re interested in playing Dungeons and Dragons or if you want to go as far as hosting your own game. Prior to undertaking my personal project I found that I was lacking with my public speaking skills but after recording, playing back and tailoring or redoing my videos a few times I have been able to develop my self-confidence and my presentation skills significantly.


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