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My journey to running 12km


I decided to create a blog where I would document and blog my process to 12 kilometers. In this blog, I would document my progress and my experience with every workout/run or activity that I did. I would also look into different aspects that may affect my running such as food/diet, sleep, psychology, breathing, etc. This section will be on a page in my blog, so all the information is in one place, and can be easily accessed. I would document my experience with these subtle changes in my daily life and whether or not it really has affected my running. My audience will be beginner runners (around my age) that are/want to train to run a semi-long distance, such as 12km. My hope is that my blog will inform readers of my first-hand experience running 12 kilometers, and motivate them to try it out for themselves. By reading about my experience, they can use it to make their own running experience better and more efficient. The blog would have posts including the distance I run that day, my experience during the run, my pace as well as other small aspects of my run. This will give viewers an insight into my first-hand experience progressing to run 12km. The blog will include a background explanation of why I am doing this, my goal, and what I hope to achieve by running 12km. It will also provide a plan that I had created which will help me run 12km, which readers can follow or adjust based on their interpretation of what is mentioned in my posts.


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